👻 checkin Saturday 6-4-2024

Hey there all you lovelies, me (Lea) checking in as your 👻 today. Hope all is well with you wherever you are at the moment.

Alert: major weather moan following! 🤨🤨🤨🤨 Skip this part, it’s totally not interesting unless you are a meteorologist! I read in the paper the other day that March in the UK only had 2 days where it didn’t rain at all. And … I reckon April is trying hard to beat March 😢😢😢😢 We have not had a fully dry day as yet and sun ?!?!? Don’t even know where to find that one! And today Storm Kathleen is here… 😱😱😱😱 Do you agree with a statement from a friend of mine: “the seasons have changed; we now tend to have winter autumn summer spring”. Certainly true for the UK!

Right, woman, cut the cackle and get to business!

Workouts: yes/no/maybe? Obviously here I am trying to make up for the wordy intro by cutting out as many words as possible in that question! 🙈🙈🙈 Rest day for me, certainly needed it.

Food: yes/yes/yes… but how and what? (Still trying to keep it short!). I know Shabnam is cooking today and lots indeed because she is hosting (not 👻ing!). And you know my answer by now: …. Don’t you?

Nothing much to add now, apart from this: the above photo. We have seen Cabob’s beautiful pictures of her hiking trip. And of course Anne delights us all the time with her amazing photos. I guess you also know enough about my love of the outdoors. But what does “the outdoors” mean to you? I walked past the above sign on Brownsea Island on Wednesday. It is on a path through what they call “The Calming Woods”. I’ll leave you with a pic in the replies that I took on that path. Hopefully you can feel an imaginary breeze on your face looking at it.

See you later!
