Perspiration Pals Sunday March 31, 2024 πŸ°πŸŒΈπŸ€

Happy Sunday Ppals!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate. It is a beautiful sunny day!

I have had a busy weekend of church, going for walks, watching basketball and doing yard work. I let my grass get too long so it has been difficult to cut. I am almost done and then it will be back to being only a 20 to 30 minute chore.

My excitement the other day was that I was working in my yard and thought that cat looks just like Cinnamon. Wait that is Cinnamon and there is Nellie. What are they doing outside? Fortunately they both followed me back inside where I gave them treats and told them how good they are.

I am continuing with my combo of flex 1 and the 2 week pilates challenge. It has been delayed the past few days due to yard work and other important things. One day I subbed in Erica's workout:

I highly recommend it as it felt nice for my back. I think it was even listed as a swap one of the days.

Now I off to have eggs and a bagel. I am planning on pizza for dinner. I know it is not traditional Easter food but it is traditional food to have white watching basketball. Tonight's game is against a rival just down the road. They didn't have to go to Texas to play but they did.

Please let me know how your weekend is going. What fun things you are doing? I hope you are enjoying some good and healthy food.
