HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 31st

Hello beautiful Blenders,

And Happy Easter, and happy last day of March, happy summer time and happy self-care Sunday.

We will have a nice Easter brunch and the boys will have their "egg hunt". Well, they might be a little bit to old for that but they love to get chocolate. And as we know you can't be to old for chocolate.

Nothing much planned other than food. I will do an UB with cardio and some core later. Most likely more Charleston practice. My husband is currently very much into it and doesn't really stop practicing. Every free minute he goes through the steps.

What have you planned for today?

I wish everyone a fantastic Easter Sunday no matter if you celebrate or not and that you won't be too tired from the time change for all affected.

Wishing you all that your day just sparkles ✨

Other quote in the comments.