HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 19th

Good early Tuesday everyone! I haven’t been up at 3am in a while (thankfully), but here I am.

I have to be honest, I have really been struggling with my mental health this past week. I start crying numerous times per day. I feel like my body is falling apart (ankle problems, high blood pressure, my teeth are still extremely sensitive to cold, and other issues).

I decided not to wait any longer and made an appointment with a physiotherapist. I was lucky that there was an opening next week. My wallet will take a hit, as my insurance only covers about half the cost. If by the end of the week my teeth still hurt, I’ll make another dentist appointment. And Monday, I have to do another urine test to see if some values from the tests done in February are still too high/abnormal.

I think that actually seeing the results of those tests last week (they are only available a few weeks after the doctor gives you the results over the phone) got me more worried than I should be and I’m struggling to get my head back on straight and stay focused on what I can control. I haven’t managed a workout in a few days. I wake up with the best of intentions each day, but I feel frozen in place, stuck in my mind. Today is as good a day as any to try again to continue the Bored Easily 2-week challenge.

I am holding on to the idea that there are better days to come. You’ll find a more positive quote in the comments.

Take good care everyone.