HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 18th πŸ’

Hello everyone, it's Monday again! I hope you all had a restful weekend. It was nice to have Julia writing to us from Ireland to wish us a happy St. Patrick's Day, but now we're back the ordinary 18th of March. In traditions dear to my heart, we're nearly to the traditional planting day -- an older gardener in my community garden, who grew up on a farm, told me that it is traditional, here in Quebec, to start seeds on the 19th of March. (Saint Joseph's Day, is what he actually said. Traditional!) No complicated planting schedules, just break out the starter pots and go for it! The 19th will also be the vernal equinox this year, so I guess there is something to that tradition. And that brings me to today's thought:

β€œDon’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.” (Luther Burbank)

It's too early for local flowers, but in the comments I've put a little bouquet from last summer. After all, a flowering soul doesn't have to be in season! Please feel free to add your own flowers in the comments, for blossoming friendships and ones in full bloom, and to welcome in a floriferous spring!

I'm still freestyling my workouts. I did several shorter workouts yesterday. Today's setup is going to feature some form of upper-body stretching. Five hours of holding up my singer's folder yesterday has given me sore triceps and soreness between the shoulder blades. I should do like Ivett over on P Pals and quiz you all : who can name all the muscles between the shoulder blades? Five points (and a pot of virtual muscle salve) for the right answer!

Well, it's really time for me to be asleep, so I'll get back to that.
