Sunday đź‘»checkin 17-3-2024

Hello there again all you lovely blenderbuddies, another day with me. It was lovely reading about and seeing your “aaaah” moments yesterday. Not sure yet what today’s checkin will bring… too dozy still at this moment in time. So let’s get to coffee and then let’s get down to what we are here for!

Workouts: hubs and me will be hiking along the coast even though the weather is dull and grey. We just fancy it. Having been surrounded by high mountains on our wonderful skiing holiday we are ready to be surrounded by the open coastal landscape again. No seaswim, no FB workout, maybe a stretch tonight. What is your favourite stretch routine on FB? Will you be doing that today or do you have something else planned? Quite a few of you seem to be doing Fit4 and enjoying it. Are you one of those bravehearts doing Fit4? Are you freestyling or doing a programme? Or resting like Ingeborg?

Food: we will probably have a biggish lunch at a pub today, so nobody will have to cook when we get home. How was the restaurant yesterday, Lynne? And for the rest of you, do you like going to restaurants? On rare occasions? Never? Quite a lot? Anyway, what’s on the menu today?

Photo: you probably think I am crazy (or have already been convinced of that for some time) but this to me is “beauty personified”. Mother Nature at its best! Don’t worry, you are so totally allowed to so totally disagree! Do you have any pics of “beauty personified”?!

I am off now, looking forward to all you are going to share today. Feel free to write as little or as much as whatever!

And remember: after two days of my rambling you will have our lovely Kimofkims back tomorrow!!!
