Healing Diastasis Recti

This is long but NSV!!

My first child was born almost 5 years ago. Before my pregnancy with him, I was very “fit”. After having him, I immediately noticed a huge difference in my core strength, stability, and general appearance of my abdomen. I stumbled upon something that every OB/GYN should be discussing with their patients and yet, unfortunately, they do not. I had Diastasis Recti. At the time, it wasn’t too bad and while I did follow some guidelines to try to make it not get worse… I was too impatient to really stick with a true healing process or program. I wanted to get back to normal jumping and weight lifting. I assume that because my TVA was weak, I only made it worse with improper core engagement during strength training and so on. I had my second child almost 2 years ago and after my pregnancy with her, my gap was pretty bad mostly it was DEEP. I found a program I liked for healing May of 2023 and really stuck with it. It was 12 weeks long. I was nervous that I would put that much time and effort into something and it still wouldn’t be “healed” by the end. Well, at the end of the 12 weeks I was much closer to being healed in my abs (BUT my pelvic floor was in great health) so I moved onto FB workouts and programs but followed all the rules and engagement cues I had learned in the postpartum program. I checked today out of curiosity (I check every once in a while to make sure it’s getting better - not worse!) and I am pretty much COMPLETELY healed and back to normal!! I never thought I would get here. So anyway, yay!