FB Bodyweight Day 2 Complete!!!

Hello Blender Family!

How are you all? It’s a VERY rainy day for me here where I live. I love the rain, honestly. It’s been a while since we’ve had rain like this. What’s the weather like where you guys are? Hopefully, not too bad.

It’s been a few days since I’ve completed day 1. About two to four days I think. My body was very sore, so I had to wait a bit before doing this one. Even though day 1 was lower body and this was upper body, my body just wasn’t having it, so I listened to my body and decided, “When your ready, then I’ll do day 2.” I’m glad I did. Honestly, I used to beat myself up for constantly rescheduling workouts in a program, but I’m glad that I got out of that mindset. I’m not even sure if it’s possible or a good idea to do a program with days back-to-back like that. Is it? Have any of you done that before?

I know for a fact that I am going to be sore tomorrow. I know I mentioned it before but I’m so glad I started this program. It feels good to workout. Don’t underestimate bodyweight.

- GOD Bless!