HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 8th

Hello, lovely ladies and Happy Friday! Not sure how big of a deal the 8th of March is where you are, here the men fear it more than Valentine's day cause they're on the hook for all the women in their lives, not just their partners. That's a lot of flowers and chocolate.

The Communist party tried to overwrite the local traditions for the first 9 days of March and we ended up sort of merging everything into one long week of flowers, sweets and the martisor I mentioned last week.

Traditionally the 9th of March is a sort of all Hallow's Eve, people would give to charity and remember the dead. A sweet bread glazed with honey and covered in walnuts is pretty much all that remains of that tradition, because it is delicious. I included a link to a picture for visual reference. Also during this period your were supposed to pick a day between the 1st and 9th of March as your "baba" (old woman, hag). The weather on that day would tell you how your year would go.

Now that i have filled your head with Romanian traditions and superstitions, I will give you whiplash by telling you about how my interviews went. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I had a culture fit discussion for a company. This week I had the systems design and programming intervies and...I think I did well? The interview structure was different to what I'm used to so it's hard to self assess but I won't feel embarassed to talk about this one, like I did last time. I should hear back next week. The company itself operates in a similar space to what my current team is doing, but they're smaller and seemingly more focused? While no job is perfect, I think not being in a huge multinational with hundreds of thousands of employees would be a good change.

Anyway, I've already written a novel so before I go, please tell me what's going on with you and remember to have a great day!
