HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 6th

Hello Wednesday!

I have to admit I thought yesterday was Wednesday. Good thing it was not otherwise, I would have forgotten to write the post. I was so busy yesterday the day slipped away. But here we are at half-time.

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud" Maya Angelou

Remember a simple smile can go a long way.

Despite being busy, I got my workout in yesterday. I did a nice hill run and then mostly upper body work. I tried some new equipment and learned I do not like the biceps curl machine at all. Now I know.

Today is an easy run with some sprints and then I will focus on the lower body: Landmine squats, Bulgarian split squats, and some other fun stuff. Finish up with some core work.

I had written earlier this year that I wanted to work on adding more protein to my diet. I think I am mildly successful. I could still do better though. One trick I do is add protein powder to my oatmeal. It is not ideal but it packs a protein punch. Easy solution. I also have protein yogurt which tastes great and if I am unable to have a lot of protein at both lunch and dinner I supplement a protein bar. Again, it's not ideal but again that protein punch. Hopefully, I can do away with these bars but it will take time to find some vegetarian recipes that have enough protein. I find they are often completely lacking in the protein department or there is very little protein.

So if you have any tips please share!

Otherwise, what is on the plate for food and fun today?

Let's have a great day Blendfriends!