Weekend Check_Ins: Sat, Mar 2

Hello beautiful blendfriends!

It's 6:59 am, 72°f, mostly cloudy beautiful morning here in Miami.

How are you? I hope your Saturday started and continues as smoothly as a weekend promises. Mine has started just fine especially with a hot cup of coffee by my side.

My photo is a taste of Cutler Bay Florida we went the other day. It was gorgeous and this photo despite being beautiful, is not telling you all of it😊

So, let's talk about our day including exercises and foods. How about them? Are you doing any activities today?

As for myself, it's the day before the last day of Reboot(i know there's a name for it but i forgot😉). If I'm correct I have a total body strength video on my calendar which I do right after this post. Please share your piece of movement for today. I hope whatever it is including resting, you enjoy it.

And foods? I have no idea at this moment. Maybe a refill☕️? How about you guys? Anything's happening in your kitchen today?

This brings me to the bottom of my post for today. Definitely looking forward to reading you, get inspired, motivated and learn things. Thanks in advance for checking in with me! Take care everyone 💛

**Everybody's welcome to this thread! Please stop by to share a post/photo about fitness, nutrition, life, and anything you'd like to. You can even guest host (ghost) this thread! None of this? Just come and lurk if you'd like😉**