My Workout & My Day

Hello everyone and good morning how has everyone been since the last time I posted online its been a while and I just wanted to see of how everyone has been doing and another month is just about over. My mom is also working at Walmart with me now and she really likes working there with everyone and everyone works together and gets along sometimes when they are not in the mood. It's been really busy at the store now because we just put out all new kinds of dresses and really cute outfits for people to buy and we got everyone looking at them and checking them out.

I had a very interesting workout with Erica and my total body got a good burn from it and I have never done it before so it was interesting for a change. The weather has been crazy over here it's been going back and forth between warm weather and cold weather sunny days or rainy days, so it's been unusual for the start of the new year.