HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 14th

I could not resist some Dwight from The Office today. He says it like it is. Maybe today is a special day for you or maybe just another day. It does not matter. It is also for Lara, maybe she will come around. I know she is a fan of The Office.

Nothing special is planned here, just work, gym, and leftovers. My husband so kindly brought me a sweet treat yesterday after work. I saved it for today though, On Monday I mentioned something I was craving from a specific bakery and he goes there every morning. So he does listen sometimes I guess! I got him a pack of smoked sausages for today 😂

Yesterday at the gym I did a hill run on the Dreadmill. The girl next to me said "wow you are strong" and that she saw me there before and was in awe. I was so shocked I did not know what to say. I did say something so silly in retrospect but wow that was cool. I was doing long steep hills at a high pace and it was hard. I was on a high the rest of the night.

Today is gym again, probably easy run with some sprints and then leg and balance work.

What is on your plate today? Remember it is ok to take a rest day if you need it.