HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 6th

Good Tuesday morning! Nights and mornings are on the colder side here at the moment, but we should enjoy a third sunny day in a row, with warm temperatures in the afternoon.

So a walk at the end of the work day is definitely in the plans, to enjoy that sunshine. I will also continue the 3-Day challenge today with what looks like a tough core workout from Tasha. I like that she offers modifications to make the moves easier, but they’re still too difficult for me. I’ll do what I can. Do you have any workout planned on your calendar today?

I’ve been doing much better at integrating daily stretching into my routine these past couple of weeks. Some days I free-style it, focusing on where I am most sore, and other days I go through PT exercises for my ankles and hips. I can tell that these are helping, as I can keep up with my daily walks.

I think my approach to making lifestyle changes is going well. I am not stressing if I miss a day and I get right back to it. And I can keep building on the habits that I am forming. Is there a new habit that you are currently working on integrating in your life?

On another health-related note, I finally found an arm band that works for me, to take my blood pressure, and at the request of my doctor, I am taking twice daily. I don’t know how accurate the readings are, because my systolic number is most often in the normal range, but my diastolic number is very high. I never got that type of reading when at the doctor’s or on a machine at the pharmacy. Maybe I’m not using the arm band correctly. I’ll see what my doctor says the next time that I see her.

Time to get this day started. Wishing everyone a great one! 🙂