Access to programmes I haven't paid for....

Hello FB team!

During the fb plus free week in January, I had a look at two programmes I'd had my eye on and was considering buying, the Low Impact and FB Fit 3 (I already own FB Fit 1 and 2 and prefer the purchase option rather than the plus membership option).

I added them to my calendar to take a look- I thought Low Impact might be too Low Impact and wanted to see how much overlap, if any, there was between the Fit programmes.

January was a busy month for me and I didn't have much time for FB workouts. But returning to my account today, I can see the two programmes are still in my calendar and I have access to all the workouts. I can mark days/workouts as complete, exactly as if I had purchased them. Neither programme appears in my purchased workouts and I haven't been charged for either.

I'm off to delete the programmes from my calendar now, seems wrong to keep them, you guys work so hard and give us all so much. Just thought I'd inform you of the bug.

All the best to you all 💪