HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 4th

Hello beautiful Blenders,

It's Sunday again. How did that happen? How did the week treat you? For me so many things happened. So many new names of interesting people to learn at my new job. Tomorrow is bank holiday, but I'm actually looking forward to Tuesday. It will be a crazy day, because there are so many online and offline meetings already planned. But it will be a chance for me to meet my new project partners from all over Europe online. So I'm kind of excited get get back into the game.

We have an American family (mom with three kids) staying with us. They were living for a few years in Morocco and now are on their way to Asia. It is always so interesting to meet such people.

And the Solo Jazz group will perform next Saturday at the Swing dance event in Cork. But to find a day to practice again, because we are only four left who have agreed to join is difficult. But I'm flexible even if it means I don't sleep much, because training is most likely on Tuesday at 10pm in Cork, which means I'm back home very late and I'm not a night owl.

It is currently early in the morning, so some swing dance practice and a stretching workout. What have you planned for today. Anything in particular for self-care or just a lot of everything to get ready for something?

Wishing you all that your day just sparkles ✨