Starting over yet again! And some exciting updates

Hi Blenders!

Back on here after another break. I am unfortunately still dealing with bouts of IBS-like symptoms (still undiagnosed) and have been feeling generally icky most days and not up to exercising for the past month or so. I've honestly been pretty depressed, as I've had to give up all the foods I used to enjoy. Even with "healthy" foods (especially vegetables), most of them tear me up and I am in a near constant state of bloating and stomach upset. My world has felt very small as a result, and I have been working really hard to stay positive about it.

In order to do that, I have decided to integrate some light movement every other day, mostly pilates and low impact recovery routines. It has been helpful so I don't feel too burned out or pressuring myself to do things outside of my abilities right now. I even did an upper body strength routine yesterday, lifting between 3-10 pounds which challenged me just enough! So I'm feeling great about that.

I'll also be doing a lot more walking over the next couple weeks when my husband and I go to France next week! We're both really excited and I'm looking forward to being able to get a ton of steps in as we explore. We're spending a week in the south of France, then headed up to Paris for another week. I'm told that the food quality in Europe is a lot better, so I'm hoping that I won't have too many issues with my stomach!

I also found a Gonstead chiropractor who is helping me with some minor back aches, but it's possible he can also help to alleviate some of my stomach symptoms while I'm in the process of finding a new PCP and a gastroenterologist. I have an appointment next week before we leave for France, so we'll see how that goes. I'm not pinning my hopes on it, but I figured it can't hurt. At the very least, my back pain will be lessened!

Anyhow, just wanted to pop in and journal a bit on how I'm doing. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Friday !