HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 31st

Good morning!

The reminder is a bit late but I did see it on Monday. It made me feel better, especially coming back to cold Germany. I did notice this week is is a touch lighter when I am walking to work, or at least by the time I get there. And after work it is lighter too.

I failed to check in yesterday but the day got to be too much for me. Putting out fires at work all day and discovering new problems. I was fuming when I got home and did not have the wherewithal to walk to the gym. So I ran in the fields for 40 minutes since it was light out. I felt better when I got home but something before bed made me super sad. (Skip if you do not want to hear my rant), If you recall, I got my mother for Christmas a paint-by-number picture of her dog as a puppy. He passed away last year and I thought it was a great gift for someone who also likes to do art. Well, last night she revealed that my cousin painted the exact same picture and it is really good (she is profi-painter). She gushed how it was the most thoughtful gift and the note she wrote with it means so much to her. I am sad and a bit hurt. It is not my cousin's fault, she had no idea. But it now makes what I thought was a thoughtful gift pointless.

ANYWAYS, on to today. Gym after work. I need to "push some steel" as the Germans would say to get this frustration and stress out. Apparently, fish tacos are on the menu and I am looking forward to them.

Wishing everyone a great last day of January, I hope it was a good start to the year for you.
