Weekend Ghostess: Sun, Jan 28th

Good morning my dear ladies,

Wakey, wakey, it's time for another day of checking in with me. Don't give me that look! It's the last time, tomorrow Kim is back to tell us how much she missed us. So bear with me here, I'll try to keep it short.

Right, let's talk workouts. Are you or aren't you? Well, I'm not, the only thing working out today will be my brain. It has to make up what I'll be doing starting tomorrow and so far it's letting me down. I've just done Tasha's Level Up and Brian's Advanced back to back, loved the heck out of both and want to start all over again. As you know I love to torture myself with heavy workouts and those two challenges were just up my alley. But... what about Erica's Essentials? Okay, it's beginner friendly but I'm sure if I lift heavy it can be torturous too right? Hmmm, I'll have to conference with my bestie methinks.... But enough about me, what's happing at yours?

And then there's deciding what to eat, and even worse, prepare and cook it... For some that's a custom workout in itself. I guess we'll be having our usual Sunday dinner: steak and chips from the airfryer. I'll make one or other salad as a side dish to go with that and voilà, all done.

Which nicely brings me to my mini question for today. What kind of cook are you? Are you the kind that uses half of your pots and pans and makes a mess of the kitchen or are you a clean, organized chef? Do you have all the ingredients cut, measured out ready to use or do you cut and slice as you go?

Me, I'm the organized one, no surprise there. I'm the kind that has her sink filled with water, washing the stuff while doing the cooking. All my ingredients are weighed, sliced, whatever in small pots ready for use. If I don't do it that way, disaster will strike!!!

Again, as yesterday, feel free to skip this question and wow me with your day.

Okido, the only thing left for me is to thank you ladies for taking the time to check in with me this weekend. I know I never keep my promise to keep things short, but I also know you don't really mind because you secretly love my ramblings.😂

Have a great day everyone!!🥰

*Don't hesitate to pop in here, we're a marvelous group of ladies that love to hear about your day or anything else you'd like to share.*
