HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 27th

Good early Saturday morning Blendfriends!

How’s the weather where you are? After getting some freezing rain these past couple of days, we should have cloudy conditions all weekend and warm temperatures for this time of year, near the freezing point. I’ll be able to go walking again, as our city did a decent job of de-icing our sidewalks.

What are your plans for the day, workout and non-workout related? I will do the last workout from the Booty challenge, which means that I will have reached my goal of completing two challenges this month. Finally, I will mark that challenge complete, after rescheduling workouts for more than 3 months.

The rest of our day will be spent grocery shopping, running errands, doing laundry and some decluttering. Yeah, I can’t contain my excitement 😂 At least it’s movie night at our place, so some fun will be had at some point today.

Wishing you more fun and excitement in your day 🙂