Weekend Check-In: Saturday, Jan 20

Hello my beautiful Blendfriends!

How are you and how's it going? I hope not bad!

It's 7:41 am, i woke to a nice 62°f with a bit of wind, partly cloudy and I'm loving it.

It's just me and my coffee, 👻&☕, writing to you lovely people. So, let's begin this Daily Check-In, weekend edition ...

My photo is a throwback, a gorgeous yellow flower and her friend a beautiful green butterfly. One of my favorite pictures I've taken😍

I need no transition to bring on workout talk, do i? How about them? Are you guys doing one of the new challenges or doing some oldies? On a plan or freestyling? As for myself I've been resting mostly this week and will finish the week this way. I haven't decided what I'll be doing this coming Monday yet. How about you guys? Please share your movements of any kind with us, FB or non-FB. As long as it's a movement and you enjoy it, it's awesome!

Now let's eat! I've started my day with this amazing cup of coffee and have no idea what will be next for me. No desire for any type of foods right now but a refill😂. How about you guys? Please also share you delish part of your day.

That's all from me so far. Thanks in advance for reading and sharing y'all, blendiez and blenderbuddiez. I hope your Saturday is kind to you and yours💛

**All in this amazing community are welcome to this check-in. Please feel free to stop by, share your fitness journey, share a photo, talk about anything your like, just lurk😉 or even guest-host (ghost) this thread**