HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 20th

Good Saturday morning! It is currently -20°C/-4°F with the windchill factor here. The kind of morning where you just want to stay inside curled up in a blanket. But we have to go grocery shopping and have some errands to run, not to mention that Loki needs to go outside to do his business, so we’ll dress warmly and brave the cold.

I signed up for another challenge at work, which starts Monday. You earn points by attending 1 online fitness class each day (I chose the stretching one), extra points for attending « mystery » fitness classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I say mysterious because they don’t tell you ahead of time what kind of workout it will be), and completing weekly tasks relating to nutrition, mental health and fitness. I think this format will allow me to continue working my way through FB challenges. I’ll just move some days around.

Are you someone who enjoys a good challenge? Do you challenge yourself to improve and grow? Do you find motivation in wanting to complete a challenging workout, or task at work?

Today, I’ll be completing the next-to-last workout from the Booty challenge, and will go for my daily walk. I’ll also be watching some biathlon and American football later in the day. And I’ll try to continue decluttering, one drawer or shelf at a time. Eventually we’ll be done. What are your plans for the day?

Wishing everyone a great Saturday 🙂