Posted in: FB Team / FB Team Posts

Filming, editing, meetings + brainstorming a new program

Hey FB Family,

Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a good week. Have you tried either of the new 5 Day Challenges, or are you looking forward to one of the two new ones being released this Sunday? I’m excited to complete all of these, but I’ve been active for filming this week, so I’ll have to wait a bit.

This week has been wild, very full and productive. I filmed yesterday morning and otherwise had back to back meetings all day. Today I’ve got another lineup of back to back meetings. I’m really actually looking forward to it. I enjoy the brainstorming and working together with our team to make FB better. But, I’m definitely looking forward to a more restful weekend!

Yesterday Daniel and I filmed a long, relaxing stretching workout - around 50 minutes! We really took our time and just went with the flow - a “workout with me” style full body stretching routine. Earlier in the week I filmed a challenging total body strength workout. I appreciate the small parts of my job that involve movement because of all the sitting required to edit & get the videos ready for publishing. I always make sure to get up and stretch, shake it out every now and again, so that I don’t get too achy. I’m not sure about all of you but I’ve always started to hurt everywhere if I sit too long. It’s not a 40+ thing, I’ve always been this way haha.

I wanted to hop on and say hi before I jump into my day of meetings. I was also curious to run an idea past all of you - what would you think about a walking workout program? Maybe “walking” workouts 3x a week with either mobility or strength training on the days in between? Let me know what you think, or if you have a more preferred way to approach this.

I hope you have a great day and a relaxing weekend!

