My Workout & My Day

Hello and good morning everyone it's finally Friday so we can all look forward to the weekend for us that don't work on the weekend can but everyone else can. Oh I had a very interesting workout with Erica for today and it was mainly targeting the lower body muscles and really stretching them out and the hips too, and it felt really good on my lower body after doing it. So now the next Program that I'm going to be doing it FB ABs Round 3 and see what I think about it and I'll tell all of you ladies all about it, so I'll probably wait to be a week into the program before telling all of you about it and what I think about it.

Heading toward the weekend we are suppose to be getting about 3 inches of rain so my mom and Allen are going to try to get everything that they need to get done before the rain comes. Because once it comes it's not going to be done raining until probably Monday evening or night depends, but it nights also rain in certain area's too when the rain comes as well.