My Workout & My Day

Hello everyone and we are officially halfway through the week and can't wait for the weekend of get here for some of us as for me I just look forward to my days off from work. I had a nice stretching, Pilates, Yoga blend workout with Kellie to help with back pain and relief stress on the body and it felt so good after I woke up and my back was hurting after sleeping last night. So now my back feels good at the moment and I'm hoping that it stays that way for the rest of the day and that it doesn't get to me while I'm at work today.

We keep rain and it keeps going on and off with the rain but by this upcoming weekend starting on Saturday or Friday we are expecting to get 3 inches of rain, which means lots of snow up in the mountains hopefully because we could use all the rain and snow that we can get. Not only that it waters everything and makes it grow but it also fills up all the streams, lakes, rivers, ponds that are really low on water from last year, and I've seen a lot of them filling up with water big time from all the rain we've been getting to start off the new year with.