HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 9th

Good Tuesday morning!

David and I just went for our walk early this morning, before he goes back to work after his vacation. It was so quiet and peaceful at that time. I can honestly say that my winter walking shoes is one of the best purchases that I have made, as it allows me to walk comfortably in cold weather, as long as there is no snow accumulation.

I’ve walked every day in January and have kept up with the new 2-week challenge. I’m happy with my focus so far this month, but I have not yet integrated stretching and PT exercises on a consistent basis. Nor have we been cleaning for at least 5 minutes each day. I don’t expect to get everything perfect right off the bat. There is room for improvement, which is motivating. Do you find the process of making changes motivating?

Loki is resting in David’s lap at the moment. Poor little thing has an ear infection. We thought he was grouchy this past week and he had scratched his ears after a grooming appointment, so I mentioned that to his vet yesterday, during his annual check-up, and sure enough, he has an otitis. Drops once a day for 2 weeks, which means extra treats for him, to make the process easier.

Time to get this day started. Wishing everyone a great day! 🙂