How to stop binge eating?

Hey FB Family!

I hope everyone's enjoying the end of the year with friends, family or by themselves! (shout-out to my fellow blenders who're living alone this holiday season)

As I'm starting to think about all the things I want to let go of in this coming year, I realized that I want to give up this habit of overeating sweets.

I cannot just have a single cookie and call it a day. I need to have the entire box! And everytime I do it, I drown myself in feelings of shame, guilt and feel sorry for treating my body so badly.

I cannot give up on sweets altogether as life without dessert would be a bit sad (in my opinion)

Sometimes I do it because I'm trying to suppress some uncomfortable feelings. But mostly it is because I'm not present while eating (always watching TV) and because I fall prey to the all or nothing thinking.

I have already decided that I'm going to stop watching TV while eating and instead focus solely on enjoying my meal. Besides this, I will only buy single serving dessert from the supermarket or bakery.

Have any of you who faced a similar problem managed to overcome it? Looking for some hope and tips! :)
