Daily Check-Ins: Thursday, Dec 28

Hello, hi and how are you lovely Blendfriendz,

It's 7:48 in the morning here with beautiful weather, 65°f and cloudy 🙌🏻

Hot cup of coffee is beside me helping me not to mess up with words😁

However, speaking of messing up, to update the sleep situation; guys the melatonin and magnesium HELP for real. I've been sleeping at least 6 good hours and waking up fresh!

Alright, I'm trying to talk a little more to come up with a question or a fun discussion but no luck!! So let's get to business, shall we?!

Are we working out today? Is it FB or non-FB? Are we following a plan or freestyling? I'm freestyling today again but not sure with what? Something very light and long. I'm thinking a long pilates maybe.

How about foods and nourishment? Still in the "sugar coma" and leftovers mode? For me, sugar coma is remaining but leftovers are gone. I'm cooking Lubia Polo unless my son requests something else.

Still no topic or question!! So, I'm just gonna end this and let you guys take over. This was my last Holiday Hosting (especial edition of ghosts hosting while Kim is on vacation😊). Tomorrow, our lovely Karen will be hosting for the last day of Holiday Hosting. Make sure to come by and check in with her.

Have a wonderful Friday eve everyone💛

🎄 Everyone is welcome to this thread from FB community! Please come over, share, read, lurk or even host!!🎄
