Daily Check-Ins: Wednesday, Dec 27🎄

Good morning,afternoon, evening beautiful Blendfriendz!

Happy holidays! I hope your days have been better than days before and if not, hopefully turn.

Can't help thinking it's the weekend😂. I've never hosted before, always been a ghost👻

Anyways, lets talk business. I've been resting for days that feels like for ever! I'll definitely do some movements today. It can involve walking, recovery or stretches. I'm so ready! But how about you guys? How are you ending 2023 workout wise?

No proper transition but in real life we usually eat after our workout, right? So how about them those delicious dishes? Don't give me more leftovers please because I'm "fed" up already😂. I'm cooking Zereshk Polo today, my son's request. How about you guys?

And that's bringing me to the end. Thanks for checking in with me today! Have a nice one hopefully and take care💛

**Everyone is welcome to this cozy little corner of FB community. Please feel free to share, just read and lurk or even host this thread. The doors are open😊**