HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 5th

Good Tuesday morning! We wound up receiving about 35cm of snow yesterday. I included a photo of the view from our balcony in the comments. Though I can see the beauty in it, I could’ve done without.

The conditions were so bad that I did not take our car to go to one of my districts’ Christmas activity/meal yesterday. We went to two different places in Montréal and we used the new automated light rail train to get to the island. I quite enjoyed the ride. There was a lot of walking to and from. I got in over 15 000 steps. My legs are dead today. I need to stretch.

The activity was a cocktail course. I made mocktails. It was a very interesting class and such an original team activity to do. And I get to do it all over again today, as another one of my districts chose that activity as well. It will be at a different location and we selected different cocktails to try. I am exhausted this morning, I wonder how much more exhausted I will be tomorrow…

I counted my 15 000+ steps as walking at least 2km. I might get as many steps in today, sticking to my goal. What is on your workout calendar today?

Enjoy a great day everyone! 🙂