HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group November 28th

Good Tuesday morning!

After some stretching and a massage from David last night, my lower back is feeling better this morning. I’m not wincing every time I get up or sit down. I was feeling so defeated yesterday that I did not care about good nutrition, hydration and other small daily goals that I set for myself. But I realized late in the day that I should not give up taking care of myself just because of a setback. It was that old « all or nothing » mentality creeping in.

So today, I will complete all of the small daily goals that I can, while listening to my body. If I can walk, I will. If I can finish decorating our Christmas tree, I will. If I can declutter one drawer from a desk in our spare room, I will.

I’ve seen so many people in this wonderful group face setbacks and never give up, always striving to move forward. You are my example to follow. Thank you.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!