Saturday đź‘»checkin 25-11-23

Hello all you lovely blenderbuddies. How’s life finding you today? I know some of you are going through a rough patch, because of injuries or because of losing loved ones. Just letting you know that we are blenderbuddies and here to share your frustrations, sadness or rants or anything. Of course, happy thoughts can also be shared here. Either way, this is a great place to tell us what’s on your mind! Nothing much on my mind today, other than looking forward to a “Wild fossil walk” with a coastal area specialised ranger. Which brings me to my photo. One of the rangers on “our” Brownsea Island (UK) found an iguanodon footprint on a path made of stone slabs. The other day I went looking for it and I found it! On the left the photo that was in the local newspaper, on the right the photo I took the other day. How cool is that?!?! The dinosaur footprint had obviously been cleaned. The actual dinosaur would have been roaming the area across from the island and the slab made from stone from that area imported onto the island. I will share a link in the replies should you want to read more about it. Ok, Lea, STOP nattering and get to business!! People want to share workouts and food, not dinosaur stories!


Workout?!?! Anything? Nothing? Lots? Little? I will call my walk my workout, or active recovery day, as it might involve some steps up and down. If the weather is good enough and the waves not too rough, I might go for a seaswim before we set off. But there’s frost out there as I am typing this, 1 degree Centigrade. A tad cold, methinks?!?! Most of you, I know, do your workouts indoors; do you ever fancy doing any of your workouts outdoors? What has your preference, if any?

Food?!?! For our American blenderbuddies Thanksgiving might still have its after effects? Is that true for you? Are you still eating leftovers? What’s on the menu for you today? We have a friend coming over for dinner. Hubs is making wraps and we are having gin and tonic semifreddo for afters. As far as I am concerned, he can keep the wraps, I will just have extra semifreddo…. Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury kind of person? I am definitely a sweet/dessert person!

Which brings me onto a topic I am really cross with myself about! In the UK all food menus in restaurants have to show calorie content. I have never counted calories (looking at carbs content instead), so why, oh why, am I influenced by these “horrible” numbers on the menu? I cannot ignore the numbers and go for choices that I would probably ignore if there were no calorie counts on there. I am aware of me doing it and am totally fed up with myself for doing it, yet I cannot stop myself! How is that for you? Do you have calorie counts on menus? Do you like calorie counts? Or would you prefer a restaurant menu that just shows the food choices without telling you the rest? Any tips on what I can do about it?!

Oops… long long checkin from me here. Feel free to totally ignore everything I have said and tell me about your workout and food!

Oh and I promised Raven a “beautiful dead tree” checkin, so there’s one beauty already in the replies. The rest…. Join me tomorrow!!

BTW anyone is invited to join in the checkin, whether just reading or contributing. Whatever suits you and your mood today best. See you later.
