HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group November 21st

Good Tuesday morning! It’s the coldest one yet this season here, as it is currently -10°C/14°F with the windchill factor. Time for my Winter coat and boots.

Though I no longer had tooth pain after my dentist appointment yesterday, I did not sleep well. I kept waking up, and would fall back asleep. Broken up sleep is not restful sleep. I hope that I won’t be falling asleep throughout the day, like yesterday. I want this to be a more productive day.

The plan is to do some decluttering of our entryway closet today. I don’t need 5 scarves for the wintertime. I will get rid of old worn out shoes. I will donate coats that we no longer wear. This need to declutter was brought on by the fact that is was a real pain digging out our Winter boots. Sometimes I need an extra « push ». Are you the type of person who keeps things simple and who doesn’t accumulate clutter? Any tips and tricks you’d like to share?

I will go for my daily walk and I added a low-impact workout to my calendar. What’s on your workout calendar for today? I think that giving myself a goal with a planned reward at the end is working, as I’ve walked every day so far this month (except that one day when my tooth ache was unbearable). I’d rather have intrinsic motivation, but if I need a push as this time, then I’ll take what works for me.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day! 🙂