Perspiration Pals Tuesday November 21, 2023

Hello, Team and Happy Tuesday!

I'm tired, y'all. I haven't been sleeping properly for the past week both for reasons related to work as well as my dad's health issues. I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a bus. Didn't go back to sleep cause I don't work like that but I'll need a nap this afternoon, I'm sure.

This Erica workout was the perfect tonic today:

My project at work has me feeling like the start of this song (you're welcome to listen to the rest, it's a good song):

Anyway, do I have some links for you? Why yes, I do.

First of all perhaps you're seen all the threads about Youtube ads and people being confused by their frequency. Maybe you want to learn more about how much Youtube is shooting themselves in the foot here. My main message is to not pay for Youtube Premium. They're just putting existing features behind a paywall instead of adding extra functionality for paying customers.

Secondly maybe in this economy you've been looking at Shein and thinking how cheap everything is and maybe feeling tempted? This video might change your mind somewhat. Not saying your Zaras and your H&Ms are not terrible but they do seem somewhat less so:

Lastly, have you heard of this brilliant idea for self driving taxis?This video goes into why this is actually silly and short sighted:

Ok, not the funniest links today but maybe it'll spark some interesting discussion. If not, enjoy the picture at the top. I suspect the teachers among us will be crying in the corner.

That's it, have a great day, team!

LE: Competitive head walnut cracking is a thing, guys! Watch and laugh:
