Perspiration Pals Sunday November 19, 2023

Hello Ppals!

I am writing to you an Saturday night so I am going to talk about what I did today (Saturday).

It was beautiful out so I went to the boxyard. There was a craft fair and everyone and their 2 to 3 dogs were there. I had fun watching all the dogs and people. Then I went for a walk on the nearby trail. As you can tell from the picture we are seeing the last bit of fall colors here.

I also stopped at the library to return a book and a new book in a display on books about queens caught my eye. A curse of the Queens by Amanda Boucheron. It is described as a fantasy romance. Never mind that it is book 4 in a series that I have never heard of. I checked it out anyway. So I'll see how I like it.

I am on day 9 of my routine. I think I'll go off schedule and consider my walk and a stretching workout my exercise for the day.

On to food, I had a scrambled egg sandwich on pumpernickel bread. I have been enjoying that bread all week. It makes for a delicious cheese, tomato and lettuce sandwich. Now I have a sweet potato in the oven for an evening snack.

Over to y'all I would like to hear how your weekend is going. What have you been up to? As usual all are welcome to chat with us here at Ppals.