Unfavorite button

Wish there was a “unfavorite” button for workouts that we’ve done that have led to injury or that just don’t suit us.

Yes yes modifications/consult your doctor/etc etc but don’t you just have some workouts that show up from time to time in programs that annoy you or just plain don’t work for you, or would require so many modifications that what you really need is a totally different workout?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to add a plainly visible red flag to let yourself know to look elsewhere?

Something simpler and with fewer clicks than digging around for “workout notes” (vs calendar notes, those are two different things, right? And if you can figure out how to make those notes, can you find them easily later?)…something like an “unfavorite” button. It wouldn’t have to be public or even visible to the trainers in case they take it personally. Just for the user.

Please feel free to unfavorite my comment if you want!
