Reasons vs. Excuses (war trigger warning)

Hi everyone πŸ€—

πŸ€—*Please excuse the way I'm expressing myself

I'm just living it from the inside not just from the news*πŸ€—

What would you say defines a reason and what defines an excuse?

and when can one tell which one is in their heads?

I live in Jerusalem and since the big war started

I've had the kids at home (which I'm grateful i still have my children and home)

working out with them around is a big ordeal and not as good

And in the evening I'm overwhelmed emotionally and physically from the news of more widows more orphans and parents who lost their children... and homes

And from chasing my own children tg

I think I can make time but I tell myself that I just can't do it even though

Truth be told activity is medicine for the mind body and soul

Idk... What do you think?

All opinions are welcome

(I am aware that people are against Israel defending itself

Those opinions always existed and only with God's help we are still in existence

So those opinions ate also welcome

If one takes all opinions personally one hurts oneself

So all opinions are welcome

G-d has been making miracles on the daily for the world the jews and Israelis alike

So it is all good

It is not up to me or you or any human it is all in g-ds hands we just need to do our best.)

I love you allπŸ€—

(Btw everyday before the war there were and still are still small inner wars between Palestinians and Arab Israelis vs the police - some of which are Israeli Arab police men that is a daily accurancr which the media isn't interested in informing the world)
