HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group October 12th ✨

Happy Thursday, Blendfriends. Stepping in for Julia today to start the thread. I apologize for starting a bit late; I'm a bit under the weather today, planning to do a bit of stretching later to help everything settle back into place. So in recognition of our various life challenges, a rare quote from ... me 😉

"We are stronger than what happens to us. Our beauty comes from within us, who we are and how we choose to live. We can reset, every single morning. 🌄 And wonderful things can happen. A lot of us are going through different challenges right now -- good ones, bad ones, and everything in between, and the best we can do is stay strong, help each other, and stay open to miracles. ✨"

I hope everyone has the best possible Thursday. If you have some great workouts coming up, share with us, it's always fun to find inspiration!