HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group September 20th

Hi everyone!

How are we feeling today? It feels like Tuesday to me but I am happy it is Wednesday. I am enjoying the time here and meeting new people and hearing about their facilities and their problems.

I don’t have a thought of the day so instead I give you a picture of the sweet cows in the field next to us. I’m a little bit obsessed with them.

I went for a run this morning, tempo style. I was not sure that I wanted to even do it because I was scared I could not. Of course I did it and even at a pace faster than my goal. So this was a big win and confidence boost. I will do the second last day of booty later tonight. I swapped for a mobility workout with Kayla. Seems like it fits well with running.

Now over to you guys! What is on your plan for the day? Whatever it is do it with a smile because you ever know how that can change someone’s else’s day.