My Workout & My Day

Good early morning everyone and we are halfway through the week and I can't wait for the weekend to get here and I'm really hoping to start working more hours on the the weekend starting this weekend. But I'll have to check and ask my boss about it if she had verity it if I'm going to be working longer hours on the weekend, which means that I'll be earning a lot more money. Moving on to workouts the one I had for today was a bored easily upper body strength workout with Kellie that used the restiance band and my arms got a good burn out of it, but I've been taking it easy on my left wrist and really healing it and not wearing anything on that wrist until it's good as new again.

But I'm still getting lots done at work and around the house and the important thing is that I do as much healing as I can on my wrist and keep putting salve on it and doing lots of wrist exersices on it. Oh last night my mom and I saw three shooting starts and myabe 3 or 4 spaceships in the sky and a big female praying mantis. The night before that we saw 30 to 50 dragonflys flying around above the backdeck over the canopy and they were big and small, and it was amazing two nights that we will never forget.