My Workout & My Day

Hello and welcome to Thrusday or Friday Eve as Raven or Kim would say the weekend is almost here and man this month just flew by and tommorow is the start of a new month and by the 9th of next month I will have been working at my job for 4 months now. Let's move on to workouts I had a 25 min total body strength and HIIT workout with Brian and I had three different workouts to choose from, one was with Brian, one was with Kellie, and the last one was with Tasha. I was going to do the workout with Kellie but I didn't have time to do it this morning so maybe I'll do it the next time or later today probably not though.

The weather has been changing a lot this month that my mom and I are really having to water all the plants because they look like they are wliting in this weather. So my mom is going to have to water everything tommorow or try to water everything today, because the plants really need the water right now even I really water all the plants down at the orchard so that way they are good until the next time they get watered.