My Workout & My Day

Hello and good early morning everyone it's finally Friday and we can all look forward to the weekend and the clouds have finally gone away from our house, which is nice because the weather is going to start cooling down this weekend and next week. Moving on to workouts I had a bodyweight only workout with Tasha that was under 30 mins and I'm thinking that I should have done the 17 min extra credit with Nicole to give my arms more of a burn. Oh since I forgot to tell all of you yesterday online about it I'll tell all of you today on Tuesday my mom and I saw 20 swallowtails, 10 hummingbird months, and about 8 to 10 woodbees all down at the river that morning.

It was such a beautiful sight that my mom if she would have brought down some food to eat and water we could have stayed down there all day enjoying the beauty of mother nature that day. It was a day that my mom and I will never forget about and when I get home from work today at my dad's house I'm going to tell my very good friends Ben and Joseph from high school all about it today. Since I wasn't able to tell Ben about it last night or my other good friend.