My Workout & My Day

Hello and good morning everyone I'm back once again and ready to talk to all of you ladies online and how have all of you been since I went back to my dad's house, because I love reading all of your comments about what you are going to be doing during the weekend and the upcoming week. What workouts are all of you doing at the moment because I'm doing FB Strong Round 3 again because I haven't done in quite some time so I feel like doing it again and also I was starting to miss doing strength workouts. But now I'm back to doing them again and I'm in the best shape of my life and I weigh 118 pounds so I'm lost 2 more pounds already and I didn't even know it, until I weighed myself the other day.

I've been really busy at work with doing price changes on the clothes and putting them into location so that way they have one, or putting clothes back where they belong after people have tried them on or returned them back. Last weekend was really busy but as it got into the week it was a bit more slow and we didn't have that much to do until Friday and now it's back to having a lot of tacks to do in the clothing appartment. It's really busy now with gettting all the back to school clothes and supplies out and starting to bring ou the winter clothes and shoes out when it's still summer, and we are already bringing out the Halloween clothes out on the floor.