Need advice on training type

Hey everyone! I'm in need of some advice regarding training type.

The thing that has been bothering me lately is that I'm in such a bad mood and unmotivated when I have a program that has strength training, HIIT, and cardio in it. I just don't have the energy to do them, I feel very clumsy and uncoordinated even though I've been doing such programs and workouts since 2016.

I've switched to yoga and pilates mostly and this makes me actually do the workouts and get in a Workout complete. I do find the motivation to do such workouts and they can really get challenging. This has been going on for the last year or so. I do pilates and yoga for some time, then I feel bad that I don't do any HIIT or strength training and I schedule a workout program that has these types of exercises, and I end up being in a bad mood and unmotivated.

The reason why I do this is that I've researched if pilates and yoga are enough to maintain a healthy body. And everywhere I've read that it's not enough. That it's just a nice add-on to high-impact exercises and strength training.

So my question is the following one, is it okay to just do pilates and yoga for a longer period of time? Will this in any way have a negative impact on my body, like maybe gaining weight, not being as toned, or getting out of breath?

Thanks in advance for any help!