Perspiration Pals 12 July 2023

Hi Pals! It’s an all-time record now… I’m about to start the thread and it’s 2:45 p.m. here. Problem is, once I start working, I lose track of time and I’ve just realised that I’m on P. Pals duty. Anyway, my summertime blues doesn’t help either. My colleagues keep talking about their holiday plans and I can’t afford to go on holiday. Or rather, I can’t afford to go on the kind of holiday I’d actually enjoy. So every time people talk about their 21st century Marco Polo experiences, I try to turn into a piece of furniture. All I want is a bit of peace and quiet. I don’t want to worry about anyone and don’t want to solve anyone’s problems. That’s all.

All right, let’s move on to exercise because that’s why we’re here. I did Day 10 of Erica’s transformation thing and I’m glad to say that I’m metamorphosing into slightly more coordinated person who can actually do some compound movements. I like the fact that there are exercises I’ve never done or rarely do. So I recommend this challenge.

Fact Finder Fragment: Did you know that your nails grow at the same time as continental plates drift? Tectonic plates drift about a millimetre a week, which is the same amount your nails grow. Also, did you know that bees bite? To protect their hives from outsiders, some “guard bees” will monitor the entrance and sniff bees that come in. If they find an outsider bee from another hive, the guard bee will bite and sting the intruder.

By the way, the attached picture is my so-called favourite smelly little lake and a random bee.

Have an easy day, Pals!