Suggestion for Training Type Minutes graph

(Sorry if I'm posting under the wrong topic!)

First off, I'd like to say how much I appreciate the Dashboard Stats with FB+. It's so rewarding to look back over a month/year/all time and see all those fitness stats; and the Body Focus graph is super helpful in making sure I'm not favoring one part over others.

I wanted to make a suggestion about the Training Type Minutes graph, though: Personally, I find the combination of bars and lines a little difficult to comprehend at a glance, and I thought it might be easier to see the breakdown of workout minutes by FB workouts vs. custom workouts if each bar was color-coded in two colors. So, instead of having a red line for FB workouts and an orange line for custom workouts, each bar would be split between colors: red for FB and orange for custom. The height of the bars would still be dependent on cumulative minutes for each training type. The right-side key for the number of workouts would disappear, but you could still see the breakdown when you hovered over a bar.

I've attached a screenshot to try to illustrate what I mean.

Anyway, just a thought. :) Thanks for considering!