2 Months of No Strength Training Progress - Finally losing weight

I spent 2+ years working out and doing almost all of the programs and challenges, but never lost weight. I noticed some body recomposition, but that would go away pretty quickly when I started to eat more. I stress ate a lot and noticed that strength training would lead to binge behaviors from an increased appetite. It should be noted that I also stress ate a lot due to crazy work, school, and then family pressure during the pandemic. There was never weight loss on the scale - I'd lose inches, but never lost weight for 2 years and stayed in the obese category.

I'm traveling and wasn't able to do anything but resistance band workouts and pilates 1-2x a week, with some walking/dance at times (very stressful work). With working out less, I'm noticing weight loss for the first time in terms of the scale - I dropped 10 lbs in the first month (probably water and because I started out at a high weight), and have been steadily losing 1 lb a week in the second month.

I'm still as stressed out as I was before, if not more since I'm actively interviewing and a part of the job search. Only thing that has changed is not binging and quitting strength training.

I'm not sure why this is happening - I ate out more and exercised more frequently with strength training, but I still tracked calories. I quit counting calories and cook/buy ready made meals from the store now.

I do really miss strength training, but can probably modify dumbbells with a resistance band. Interestingly, my binge eating/stress eating completely went away after I stopped strength training, so that's been interesting. I still have another 30 lbs to lose, so I'll continue with this since it's working.