Customize Workout


Today I swapped a workout on LI R2 for Erica’s new core workout. My core was too weak and even modifying felt too hard. This might have to do with the fact that I started it straight out of bed and may have needed a longer warmup. Erica’s a great trainer though, so maybe I’ll come back to this workout when I have a stronger core.

Anyway, after about 16 minutes I stopped and went on to the extra credit. I didn’t feel too bad because I still sweated a ton and worked out hard on the first 16 minutes. Plus I did another 10 minutes with Kelli and I don’t have more time.

I remember a feature to customize the length and level of a workout, but I can’t remember how to do it. Any help?

P.S. Does anyone else find the new trainer’s levels to be slightly different from K&D’s? I think they’re a bit tougher.