At the end of the day, no matter what, I know that when I am stressed, I feel it all in my back and my hips. Do you ever feel like you just can’t relax and the stress you are carrying is knotted into a ball that’s resting at the base of your spine… and causing unrest?
Set an intention for yourself in this practice today, that you intend to focus on for the remainder of the day and stick to it. These 10 poses can be used as a daily routine to prevent and manage pain in the low back. This practice invites feelings of relaxation, calmness, integrity, and growth into your space. How do you plan to grow today?
New Plus Video: Yoga for Low Back Pain
Peace FB Family!
At the end of the day, no matter what, I know that when I am stressed, I feel it all in my back and my hips. Do you ever feel like you just can’t relax and the stress you are carrying is knotted into a ball that’s resting at the base of your spine… and causing unrest?
Yoga for Lower Back Pain
Set an intention for yourself in this practice today, that you intend to focus on for the remainder of the day and stick to it. These 10 poses can be used as a daily routine to prevent and manage pain in the low back. This practice invites feelings of relaxation, calmness, integrity, and growth into your space. How do you plan to grow today?