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New Wellness Video! Diastasis Recti Self–Assessment

Hey FB Moms!

If you’ve been pregnant, you know your abdominals go through A LOT of change and expansion over the course of your pregnancy and you’re left with a very weak core. For that reason it’s important to have yourself checked for diastasis recti (DR), the degree of abdominal separation you have after having a baby. You can be checked for DR by your doctor, a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, or on your own at home.

Today’s wellness video is a way for you to assess yourself at home to help identify if you have DR and what your next steps would be to strengthen your core: Diastasis Recti Self-Assessment

While commonly feared, DR is actually a normal and natural part of pregnancy occurring in almost 100% of people by the end of their third trimester. Most new moms will still have some degree of DR within the first 6 weeks postpartum so this self-assessment is a great tool meant to be used at 6 weeks and beyond for the most accurate result.

Within the video, I walk you through step by step how to check for DR, what to feel for, and how to know if you have it. In the write-up I’ve shared next steps for strengthening your postpartum core, whether you have DR or not.

Whether you’re a new or seasoned mom, it’s never too late to do this check and rehab your core after baby! I hope this will be a helpful tool for you.

Personal sidenote: My most recent (second pregnancy) left me with DR. Since it was pretty severe, doing this self check at home allowed me to seek additional support with a PT and it’s been a gamechanger for my recovery!

Have you ever been checked for DR?
